The Standing Desk
The Human Solution UPLIFT Bamboo Desk

The Human Solution UPLIFT Bamboo Desk

Current Routine

Hours spent sitting at my home office desk, followed by an evening workout, and then foam rolling and stretching before bed. Repeat

So What’s Wrong?

Regardless of all that foam rolling, mobility work, and stretching , my hip flexors, hamstrings, and upper back were still tight and sore. My posture was also declining and it just felt deflating to be immobilized to a chair for so long. I needed an alternative!

Enough About Me, What Do The Scientists Say?

Bad News, sitting is killing us. More and more research continues to show that sedentary people have a higher risk of developing cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and muscular issues.

Journal of the National Cancer Institute

Illinois State University

Don’t Worry I Go To the Gym After Work

Actually, the latest science reveals that you can’t work off all those hours spent inactive. An hour at the gym doesn’t subtract from those 8 hours of sitting at your desk.

What’s an Alternative?

Enter the standing desk! The standing desk is just what it sounds like. It’s an elevated work space that enables you to be on your feet while you read, write, or work on your computer.

Is Standing All Day Better Than Sitting?

Well not really. Standing does increase circulation and gives you the ability to shift positions say lunging, squatting or standing on tip toes. Some even say mental performance is improved. Constantly being on your feet however can be fatiguing too. Standing on a foam mat, installing a treadmill, and/or adding a sit to stand seat can a make the experience less taxing.

Sit to Stand Seat?

What Focal Upright Furniture calls the answer to the upright desk movement. These “leaning seats and stools” put your body right in between the sitting and standing position, to offer the benefits of standing without the fatigue. Selling three different designs, this company claims that while using their products ” …your body becomes effortlessly active. Your spine relaxes. Your major muscles engage. Your circulation increases. You get the comfort of sitting with the activity of standing”. I’m currently testing out the MOGO Seat, and will be posting about my experience soon.


The ideal working conditions are those that allow the user to be adjusting and switching positions throughout the day. Utilizing an electronic adjustable desk, at the press of a button you can go from sitting to standing in seconds, and to add even more variety  include a “leaning seat” from Focal Upright.

Two highly rated options are The Human Solution UPLIFT Bamboo Desk and the Varidesk, which is a cheaper option that sits on top of your existing desk.

Ok So What Did I Ultimately Do?!?

Before I made the commitment to purchase a whole new desk, stool, etc., I decided I better test what it feels like to actually work at a standing desk.  I devised an inexpensive DIY way to lift my existing desk and you can find that blog post HERE.