Healthy Tip of the Week! Ginger Cubes.

Healthy Tip of the Week! Ginger Cubes.

Lately, I've been replacing my morning coffee with a healthier alternative. I add ginger to hot water and add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, along with a dash of Cayenne pepper. In the past, instead of slicing the ginger I grated it with a large cheese grater. Now I've found an even better way to incorporate this root into my tea. A company called Dorot makes frozen ginger cube packs. You simply pull out the square package from your freezer, pop a ginger cube into your hot water, and that's it! So simple and quick. Look for them in your local health foods store's freezer section. 

For more reading on the many ways to incorporate Apple Cider Vinegar into a healthy routine click below....


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Click for more tips and tricks.